Hypocrisy, is delicious

2011년 1월 16일 일요일

We still can do better?

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?
As powerful as God is he cannot bend our will, but can strike us down at any moment. However with enough faith and trust, he can guide us, and save us. This relates to our story in the world, the story in which we deal with other cultures. We as human beings tend to space out gaps between cultures different from our own. It’s natural for us, but not godly.

Equality can never exist Globally…

            God may accept some cultures for some instances, except when a culture is either dangerous or threatening to a certain of group of people. Yet it shouldn’t be a sin to help them develop slowly. God wants us as a whole to be respectful of those cultures and help them change. Not to be in the status Quo and not let them change at all. Not only does God want them to change in a sense of believing in salvation, but to accept them if they cannot be turned.

There are no accidents, only progress.

                        God wants us to be who we are meant to be, but without embracing other cultures, how are we supposed to achieve this? God wants us to see the truth in cultures and see how they relate to ours. If you look at most cultures in the world everyone either believes or disbelieves in a certain religion, they fight and they discuss. Other cultures deceive or trade with others. Ultimately everyone despises other cultures.

Still not seeing any difference between us…


What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued / reviled / saddened / angered / surprised you?

I was mostly surprised to how quickly the race could change. After one visit from a spiritual man, truly shows readers to how deprived these people where from spirituality. This was truly poignant. How a group of innocent people blinded by a satanic culture was going to an eternal misery without their knowledge. Yet due to their recent discovery of a God that cares, and loves shows how merciful a life given to us can be. God can strike them down if he wished, but left them to straggle a little longer so that their salvation may come in human form.

            The true spirit lies within…

            How devastated I was to know that a culture like this still existed. I know there are small pockets all over the world that have a similar society, but an entire village. Shocking indeed. However what gave me relief was that their blindness was momentary. Free from a satanic grip of which was placed upon the Sawi.

            Salvation is free…                         under a few conditions.

            Yet what astonished me the most was their worship towards Judas. I only say astonished because it actually shouldn’t come to real surprise when their entire culture is built upon betraying one another.

But in the end I found myself rather relieved because all they really needed was a proper wake up call from the right person.

Are we different?

How different is your modern culture from the sawi tenants?

When we see the tenants of the Sawi, they are protectors, warriors, but ultimately a father or mother.
            They aren’t as different as we may visualize them. We live in a society where judgments are counted as opinions rather than foul “word-play”. Those judgments are tearing these cultures apart. The Sawi are counted as the most fierce and most deadly tribe. So perhaps they are, but does that mean they don’t have emotions to cope with? They build their houses on an elevated level so that they may protect their families. Does that sound evil and or devilish? An Atheist family living in the suburbs may choose the same kind of home.

A warm, simple, and safe home.

            Then we are the monsters we are the true cannibals. Their culture is actually not as different as ours. Lets not see these Sawi as tenants, but as modern everyday “normal” people. How many times do we deceive in order to gain something for ourselves? Our cannibalistic cultures derive from the makings of others. For example Apple, Windows, and Linux devices are created in order for the company to be richer. They feed on us so that they may thrive. Also with these “discounts” aren’t they just tools to mislead one into buying the product?

In my eyes us “modern” people aren’t so different.

            As a tenant to their homes it’s their right to defend themselves, to protect, feed and care. 
            In our world its OK to deceive for the sake of currency, drugs, and sex?

Hm, I guess we aren’t so different.

Woah What?

How did Christianity change this culture?           

            After reading Don Richardson’s novel it came to a revelation to how interesting the power of prayer can be. The Sawi were a cannibalistic and savage group. Saying “were” truly makes fills me with pride, the Sawi were changed and their lives did alter from what they once were. Not only did Jesus enter their lives, but also Christianity changed their whole culture. They became inquisitive and began interested in learning. When their knowledge increases their understanding of the outside world develops.

Once achieved their past lives will be seen as savage and underdeveloped as we once saw it. There is always a plan in the thought of Christ, but what makes me quizzical is what may happen in the future of the Sawi. Who knows? They may already be walking outside the forest of which they have inhabited.

When their understanding of life increase than the Sawi will definitely try to study themselves and ponder at the very reason of why they were cannibals to begin with. Christianity has shown them a new way of life, a way of life that doesn’t include the necessity to deceive and destroy. It has shown them a new way to live with the added benefit of salvation. They wear more modernized clothes, have one wife, but ultimately eat properly.

Christianity not only changed their ways of life, but it also insured their salvation from this world.

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

What we can do

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi? 
 Jesus is a powerful man, but never used force. He had so much power, but refused to use it. What this symbolizes in the story of Don Richardson is that he didn’t force the Sawi to read the bible and believe in Christ, but he certainly could have. When he arrived to the Sawi Village people were convinced that he was a God. Which is part of the reason why they didn’t cannibalize him. The power of Christ should never be abused and Jesus wouldn’t even consider nor think about using pure force. However what Jesus did do was to allow him to control himself and take time.  What Jesus would have truly wanted was for others to join Don Richardson and support spreading the word. Jesus would ultimately want societies all over the world to help educate the Sawi in learning cultures outside their walls. Even if the Sawi were feared, the Sawi would fear the world. As Christ followers it is our duty to help them realize that the world is much larger than they would think. Jesus would have defiantly tried to convince the world to help cultures like the Sawi. Jesus would want us to sacrifice our lives for the Sawi so that they may be free from the shackles of the devil.

What God can do

  5. What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?
Uncivilized cultures like the Sawi are the ones that should be feared, but in my opinion faced. The main danger of being within their village is mainly the chances of being eaten. However society should not ignore this dangerous threat. There are many horrors the Sawi can do if not changed. What society should do for this culture is to help it develop and help it bloom into a civilized culture. How this can be achieved is by looking at a great role model named Don Richardson. As I have mentioned before the true danger of cultures like these is leaving them alone and letting them develop. When a culture such as these continue to germinate then it may be nearly impossible to change them. Reason being that once an empire of a certain culture is developed than their pride will blind them making their culture the only culture. Thus letting them keep their old culture leading them to initiate colonization. As we know the Sawi are a brutal and dangerous race and society should fear them.  Unlike Don Richardson he took immediate action. The problem with the society now is that they neither are too lazy nor even care if a race like this continues to nourish. However Don Richardson knew that it was his job to change them using God’s grace. With time and prayer God can make anything possible, which is exactly what Richardson used. If the society were to see the world like him than perhaps we wouldn’t have war and or famine.

2011년 1월 10일 월요일


3. What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

         This is a rather simple question in my opinion. When we are confronted with other cultures it is actually natural to detest and debate upon whether or not the culture is acceptable. Yet to be honest I would debate and consider my thoughts as well. When we look upon different cultures the first person who would come to my mind would be Don Richardson because he is the first man ever to embrace and convert a whole society into Christianity by understanding and taking time.
            At first I thought Mr. Richardson was completely insane to enter a cannibalistic culture. How he did not die was a complete mystery. When a certain deity different from the bible had faced him of whom he believes I would figure that he would lose, but suddenly his victory over the people of which the Sawi culture had believed in had, had a change of heart. Surprisingly after this experience of which the Sawi had faced multiple minds had turned making Mr. Richardson trustworthy. His faith had been tested, yet his own culture developed by one of holy grace truly shown during that particular moment.
            That’s another thing about Culture. Not only can we embrace and open our arms to different cultures, but also we can share our own, new to those who do not understand it. Once they understand it a change of heart may be possible, but it is not guaranteed. Like all cultures it is difficult to accept one another, which is why global peace does not exist today. It will never exist; since cultures keep changing peace becomes harder and more difficult to accept.
            But what can we do? We can try as a unit as one, to accept all cultures beneficial to the world’s society, but if we fail to succeed and we fail to understand, than we shouldn’t even bother confronting them.


How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

            Faith is a rather powerful word that has been overrated by people whom wish to abuse it. Some reasons righteous some outrageous, but faith is also a weapon feared by politicians and political leaders around the world. Although this world is corrupt and bastardized by greed, faith is still existent; faith is feared.
            How is faith relatable to the world we live in? It is faith that built the community that we live in today, faith is the sole of our shoes, and faith is what is keeping political tyrants at bay. Why is faith so powerful? It can easily be diluted. An infamous leader, Hitler who has murdered many for the sole reason of power and status has used faith to make him who he was years ago. Through his speeches and political rants about the League’s “Blank Cheque” has enthralled the people of Germany and lead to the rise of leadership over years. Before his rise, Hitler has used political movements in order to gain reputation. Even in his time in prison he was able to write a book in order to gain the acceptance from the German public. By relating his ideas and what he can do if faith were put into his ideas. Years ago people had sought vengeance against the victors of World War One; by using this Hitler was able to manipulate hope and faith into putting him in power. Ultimately when he rose into power, it was not only world domination that he fought for, but the extermination of a certain “race”, to destroy hope itself.
            Yet how is this man any different than that of any president whom has lied to the public? They too have lied in order to gain the acceptance of others. It is their idealistic hope to gain they’re acceptance and faith in order to put themselves in ultimate political power.
            How is faith feared? In China, which still oppresses religion on too the society does not allow Christianity to fall into the hands of the public. Why, because the strongest and the most well known political leader of all time is Jesus Christ himself. Of course China would try to remove such a powerful symbol of faith and hope in order to keep them in power. It is a bold and daring move, but it is one that they may regret one day in the future. Faith in Christianity is feared because it is a book of many promises and each promise increases the chance of an uprising. The Chinese country contains one fifth of the entire population of the world, if even half of that population were to turn into an uprising there is no stopping them. Unless the Chinese government reconciles an agreement upon genocide, and once all those people die there will be no one left to run the thousands of factories in China.
            The question still stands how does faith relate to the world today? It relates to fear, and power. Once there is enough faith and hope all hell will break lose and the world in which we live in today will break into chaos. That’s how faith is related; its how it relates to the book of revelations.