Hypocrisy, is delicious

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

What God can do

  5. What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?
Uncivilized cultures like the Sawi are the ones that should be feared, but in my opinion faced. The main danger of being within their village is mainly the chances of being eaten. However society should not ignore this dangerous threat. There are many horrors the Sawi can do if not changed. What society should do for this culture is to help it develop and help it bloom into a civilized culture. How this can be achieved is by looking at a great role model named Don Richardson. As I have mentioned before the true danger of cultures like these is leaving them alone and letting them develop. When a culture such as these continue to germinate then it may be nearly impossible to change them. Reason being that once an empire of a certain culture is developed than their pride will blind them making their culture the only culture. Thus letting them keep their old culture leading them to initiate colonization. As we know the Sawi are a brutal and dangerous race and society should fear them.  Unlike Don Richardson he took immediate action. The problem with the society now is that they neither are too lazy nor even care if a race like this continues to nourish. However Don Richardson knew that it was his job to change them using God’s grace. With time and prayer God can make anything possible, which is exactly what Richardson used. If the society were to see the world like him than perhaps we wouldn’t have war and or famine.

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